Dress Code
On the course & Practice Facilities
You are requested to wear smart golfing attire when on the course.
Shirts - Shirts must have sleeves and collars.
Trousers and Shorts - Trousers must be tailored; Shorts must be tailored and worn with appropriate sports socks. There is no colour specification for socks, and trainer socks are permitted.
In keeping with R & A traditions the following are not permitted: collarless or sleeveless T- Shirts; Jeans; Cargo trousers; Tracksuits; Football/Rugby shirts; leggings or similar clothing.Hoodies are not permitted.
Caps - to be worn with the peak at the front.
Shoes - Appropriate footwear must be worn on the course. Golf shoes can have soft or metal studs.
Changing shoes - Footwear and outer clothing may be changed in the car park, in no circumstances can trousers or shirts be changed anywhere other than the locker rooms.
The Clubhouse
Golf shoes should be clean and may only be worn in the changing rooms, entrance foyer and in the Spike Bar.
Clean dry smart casual is appropriate dress in the Clubhouse, (for some functions more formal attire may be required). Smart casual will include: Clean smart trainers, sandals (or similar) and loafers with or with-out socks. Smart denim is permitted.
Smart casual does not include the following: Football or Rugby shirts, T- Shirts, Singlet’s, Flip Flops (rubber), Tracksuits, Industrial clothing or the most casual of sports or beachwear.
No form of headgear is allowed in the Clubhouse apart from the changing rooms, entrance foyer, or golf shop.
No golf equipment is allowed in the Clubhouse apart from changing rooms and access through the entrance foyer.
Mobile phones
Mobile phone calls may be made or taken in the Car Park, or Changing Rooms, but not within the Clubhouse. Please keep phones on silent/ vibrate mode at all times so as not to disturb others.
Phone calls may be made on the course in emergencies.
Silent browsing of text, e-mails and the internet is permitted within the Clubhouse.
It is acknowledged that some golfers use their phones as course guides, this is permitted on the course.
By adopting this approach it is hoped that common sense will prevail and that the dress code is self–policed by members and Club staff alike. Club Staff have the authority to ask any member or visitor not complying to leave the Course or Clubhouse.